Share with family and friends, it's a great way to brighten their day!

Happy Sunday peeps! Today on the blog I'm gonna feature Emma, one of my current Magazine Creatives and content creators.

I have photographed Emma before and so for her birthday celebration, I wanted to try something epic... and she's just as adventurous as I am! Our only goal was no hospital visits as we tried this parachute dress photo session idea (JK, we had safety measures in place, like her mom was there) :-)

I have been photographing these dresses for almost 10 years and while I always have focused on the "flying" dress part of the parachute dress, I have wanted to try these dresses around water (note, they are 30ft long, so if they get wet, they are to heavy to even carry). However I need to keep them dry for obvious reasons.
This pond is located right out my back door in SRB and I knew Emma would be game to try anything. As a gymnast for most of her life, she has incredible balance - which would come in handy when SHE got the urge to stand up! LOL
Keep scrolling for some teaser images and be sure to watch her teaser video (at the end) with BTS video footage of how we did this amazing photo shoot.

What's the best location for your 30A photo session?
Ever wonder why the 30A beach vacation rentals fill up so quickly? Because 30A Florida is basically a little piece of paradise. The restaurants, escapes and beach adventures are endless.

One of our favorite 30A locations to photograph is Santa Rosa Beach. SRB is located in South Walton County, FL and has some of the most scenic locations for family and senior portrait sessions.

Tip: did you know that to photograph on the beaches of Walton County FL, your photographer must carry the appropriate Beach Permit based on group size and Insurance. For more tips on finding a photographer - read this article

As a photographer in Santa Rosa Beach, I of course love photographing on the beaches for sunset, but did you know that SRB has some gorgeous garden locations for photo sessions. A popular location for our Flying Dress photo sessions is Eden Gardens.

With the holidays coming, our photo sessions for 30A are filling fast for the remainder of the year. If you are interested in more details about a senior, family or couples photo session on the beach, feel free to email us or text us for more info.
(850) 460-4437

Empowering photo session and body image values for high school teens.
7 Tips for the Selfie Talk with your TWEEN:
Understand digital distortion. Talk through the techniques and tools (like facial makeup, etc) people use to edit their images with their phone and make a list together.
Avoid the comparison trap. When your child is scrolling, remind them that they are seeing someone else's carefully curated highlights and reel. Chat about whether or not social media images are a fair target for compactor (hint: they are not). LOL
Put the 'social' back into social media. Tag about way to use social media more purposefully to actively connect and interact with other people. Be sure to remind them of the dangers and to unfollow accounts that seem sketchy.
Taclke cyberbullying. Developing a plan for how they will cope with bulling online. In addition to telling a trusted adult when they see it, remind them that many social platforms offer functions to hide, block and report bullying online.
Create diverse, real content. Discuss ways to create a more uplifting, diverse and positive online space for themselves and others. Talk about how they can spend more time posting things that reflect their interest, activities with friends and personal qualities that have nothing to do with how they look. Challenge each other to give up filters for a month and see how it makes you feel.
Learn how to spot advertising. With social media influencers becoming more popular than ever, it can be hard to spot what an ad and what's not. Scroll though your child's social media feed together and practice spotting posts that show sponsored content and those that don't.
Log out! Encourage your kids to take occasional breaks from social media if they feel overwhelmed or are not enjoying it. Set screen time limits and take a walk, call a friend, etc - whatever they like doing away from their screen.