Greetings! If you're reading this, it's likely that your closet is in a bit of a disarray and you're looking to make a change for good this time around.
Well, you're in luck because that's precisely what we're going to do. Instead of just decluttering your wardrobe, we're going to help you construct an entirely new one. And we're going to build it in such a way that you'll never have to confront this problem again. Sounds exciting, right?
Fantastic! Welcome to the Love your Reflection Styling Guide for your Wardrobe, a comprehensive guide that will help you develop an ideal wardrobe that's tailored to your lifestyle and personal fashion style.
Not only will this guide assist you in developing a practical wardrobe, but it will also help you create a wardrobe that flatters your body shape. We'll spend a significant amount of time developing your unique signature fashion style. Why is this critical? Because having a personal style will enable you to make confident clothing choices. Knowing what looks good on you will give you the power to invest in the right kind of clothing, which will save you both time and money.
So, we're not just going to give you a shopping list of items to buy and add to your closet. That's too simplistic and may not suit your individual preferences. Instead, I will guide you through the process of discovering clothing pieces that work best for you.
Click the link below to view the Image Consultant Style Guide Intro, or click SUBSCRIBE FOR YOU 90 DAY FREE GUIDE.