Graduating from college is a momentous occasion for any student. It marks the end of one chapter and the start of another, and it’s a moment to be celebrated and remembered forever. One way to commemorate such a momentous occasion is to have a photo session that not only captures the excitement of the moment but also showcases the graduate's personality and achievements. This is exactly what we did when we took a recent college graduation photo session at Florida State University in Tallahassee with Melonie Marie by Click 30A.
Click 30A is a photography company that specializes in capturing the unique beauty of Florida's Gulf Coast. We are known for our creative and eye-catching photographic style, which is why we are the perfect choice for your out-of-the-box photo session. On this particular day, we had an amazing time getting wet in the fountain and taking pictures of our beautiful graduate at Florida State University.
Need Ideas for What to Wear for your graduation photo session at Florida State University? Click here and see what we suggest!
Tim and I started our photoshoot at Florida State University with our Click 30A cameras by focusing on capturing classic graduation pictures along the university's main entrance with Florida's sun shining on our faces. We also made sure to get some fun shots of our graduate in her graduation outfit and cap as we walked around the university's iconic landmarks. We even managed to grab some great photos of her posing next to her academic department's building to celebrate her academic achievement.

As a graduation photo session can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we wanted to make the experience as memorable and fun as possible. And so, we decided to make memories with some unconventional shots - this is when we headed to the fountain.
The iconic fountain in the heart of FSU is a popular spot for students to celebrate their milestones. We were no exception. The fountain's water spread out, and we all went in together - ready to have some fun! As we began snapping away, everyone was at ease as though we had known each other for a long time. We jumped, we splashed, and celebrated this graduate's achievements with more candid shots.