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Experience rejuvenation and empowerment at the 30A Women's Retreat on the beach.
Join the 30A Women's Retreat for an unforgettable journey towards self-confidence and wellness.
30a beach retreats in Florida for women

The Confidence Closet is Connecting and Inspiring Women from Shore to Shore

what's happening 30a events &


Woman by the Water


“Beyond expectations”

Not only did I get to experience the best of 30A while attending the Beach Vibes Revival Women's Summit in 2024, I also walked away feeling empowered and ready for the next journey of my life. Thank you Melonie and Tim!

“No more bad outfit days”

After attending the 3 day summit with Melonie about how to dress for my body shape, I now wake up every day feeling confident about what I wear. I no longer struggle with what to wear! Finding outfits is fun and I love how easy it is.

“My style is so comfortable”

Actually, all styles are comfortable once you know how to stop for your body shape and not your size. It really is true, size does not matter. Thanks to Melonie, I fully know how to dress for my pear shape body and my wardrobe flatters my body now.